Offered Services

    Services provided at home and in-office

  • Needs analysis
  • Property research
  • Market alert
  • Neighborhood study
  • Documentation assistance
  • Qualifying buyers
  • Home mortgages
  • Mortgage loan insurance
  • Building inspection
  • Direct sale training
  • Regular briefing and reviews
  • Attendance during home inspection
  • Attendance at the notary
  • Attendance for home purchase offers
  • Filtering visits
  • List of potential buyers
  • Personalized market launch
  • MLS Service
  • Scheduled open houses and showings

    Factors to consider PRIOR to choosing a Real Estate Broker

  • An effective market plan
  • Increased Visibility
  • Price / Fair value for your property
  • Direct response marketing
  • List of potential buyers
  • Detailed market analysis
  • Terminable contracts
  • Protection programs
  • Teamwork